
Git reversions by tag: a much better way

10 January 2024

Almost a year ago, I published an article about what could be described as the worst way to revert tags in git. I regret that article. The process I outlined there was an experiment gone awry. I conclude the post by telling my readers to “use the knowledge here at your own risk.” I hope you all listened.

I am bringing this up because I was recently put into a situation (again) where I needed to revert a git repository back to a specific tag. This is not a task I do often, so off to the internet I went, entering the keywords “git revert by tag” into the search bar. This unearthed my previous post.1

This is promising?

I completely forgot about this post and, at first, was very excited. That is, until I actually read the entire post. I was disappointed, but determined to find a better way. The other top search results were not the step-by-step tutorial that I was hoping for, but, eventually, I found a method that I am much happier with.

The current state of my repo

My goal was to revert my repo to a previous tag, but, unlike last year’s “solution”, not destroy any commits along the way. The git log looked something like this:

11111 (HEAD -> main, tag: LatestTag) Latest commit
22222 Another fun feature
33333 Fun feature
44444 (tag: PreviousTag) More changes
55555 Random changes
66666 (tag: MuchOlderTag) Changes

The log starts with the most recent commit and goes backwards in time. My most recent commit was tagged (LatestTag), but I needed to revert this repo back to an older tag – PreviousTag. This change would revert 3 commits: 11111, 22222, and 33333.2

Step 1: Revert the repo locally

This first step is to revert the repo locally to its state at the PreviousTag tag by rolling each commit back separately.

git revert HEAD..PreviousTag

A confirmation of each commit’s reversion appears as part of this revert command. Git treats each reversion as its own commit, so you will need to review and save each commit as they pop up on your screen.

There is a chance that some merge conflicts will arise. I did not encounter that, but if you do, use whatever method you usually use to resolve conflicts.

Once git has finished rolling back each commit, a git status looks something like this:

[main 33333a] Revert "Fun feature"
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
[main 22222a] Revert "Another fun feature"
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
[main 11111a] Revert "Latest commit"
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

Three changes were reverted, resulting in three, separate commits.

Step 2: Verify and push

Reverting one commit can be daunting. Reverting multiple commits is a big deal. I cannot stress this enough: Test your code before doing anything else!

Once you have verified that that your code works as expected, push the changes to remote.

git push origin main

Step 3: Goal achieved!

Not only has the repo been reverted to its previous commit, but the commit history has been preserved and each reversion is saved as a separate commit (just in case you need to do more “fun” things with git).

Now, do yourself a favor and forget about last year’s post.3

  1. My post was the third link on the search results page. Third. That is either embarassing or pretty amazing SEO. 

  2. The commit hashes were (obviously) changed to something easier to read, so no one gets lost in a sea of characters. At the very least, this is easier on my eyes. You’re welcome. 

  3. One may ask why I don’t just delete that old post. I don’t really believe in deleting my old content (unless it is truly harmful). That old post is not a great idea, but I also admit that in the post, so I hope readers will take that to heart.